Even as a newbie, I'm noticing I get a lot of similar comments from different people.
The first, of course, being: "What is AIP?" Well, I'll put it in the simplest way possible. AIP stands for autoimmune protocol. It is a diet in which you cut out all gluten, grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy, eggs, nightshade fruits/ vegetables (fruits/ veggies with high levels of alkaloids), and nightshade spices. You wait for your autoimmune disease to respond, in a hopefully positive way, and start reintroducing the things you cut from your diet. Along the way you will notice that certain foods may or may not affect your autoimmune condition, and some may. The ones that make it worse, are the ones that are considered your "trigger foods". These then become foods you want to permanently avoid.
Now when people hear all of this laid out in front of them, I hear the question, "Why in the world would you want to do THAT!?" Well, it is simple really. I have an autoimmune disease-- Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a very painful disease caused by hormones, diet, and genetics depending on the individual. I have found that mine are definitely caused by hormones and genetics, but I can't change those things! Now, my only option left is to try the diet aspect. HS is a very complex condition that doctors are even puzzled by, and there is NO CURE and NO guarantee that any kind of treatment will work. I have suffered from HS since I was 7, and I am 16 now. I have let this disease rule my life for 8 years, and I am finally saying, "Enough is enough!"
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